Cash for Email!

What Do We Do?

We're now in our fourth year of sending email ads, offers and opportunities to our members. Why go out of your way looking through a magazine or newspaper when we'll deliver right to your inbox? Our full time sales staff works with retail and service clients to bring you the great offers you love. Plus you earn a revenue share just for checking them out!

How Do We Do It?

Our advertisers pay us to email to you. We then simply "funnel" a portion of those revenues back to you... the consumer. Our advertisers get a loyal consumer for their product, and you get a little extra something for reading about their offers.

How Much Do We Pay?

Our revenue share program is simple. Each time you click on a link in an email offer we send you, you will have 1 share added to your account. Shares accumulate through-out the month every time you click on an offer. Around the first of each month we convert those shares to cash, place that cash in your account, and you begin a new month of earning shares. It's that simple. You accumlate shares and they are converted to cash month after month. Once your cash accumlates to $10.00 (or more) we send you a check!

There is no specific value assigned to a share. Share value will vary from month to month. Share value is determined by the amount of ad revenue we receive, available net revenue to share, number of offers we have sent, and number of offers that you have clicked on. The share system allows us to work with all of the various payment models available in the advertising industry. We know that you won't get rich reading email, but you will have fun doing this program. As Ben says, "A Penny Earned Is A Penny Saved."

To earn even more shares, feel free to take advantage of our Affiliate Program. Simply by telling others about you can earn additional shares. Every time one of your referrals clicks on the links in our email offers, you will have 1 share added to your referral shares total. Affiliate Share conversion works just like the Member share conversion process. You can read more about this when you log into our members area after you become a member.

Partner with SendMoreInfo and Earn Extra Income How Do I Sign Up?

It's easy, and it's FREE! Just go to our sign up page (click on Ben, above). We'll need some information from you, but we'll do the rest. You'll be notified of your activation within a couple of days of receiving your request.